
The fact that he continued to think about me and my situation beyond our original call touched my heart.  In a time when speaking with a human being in a business transaction is rare, for him to call me with an alternative solution to my problem was remarkable.

“I was given LifeOnRecord as a gift when I retired five years ago.  It is a gift beyond measure.  I have the voices of 70 dear friends recounting our years of memories together.  Sadly, a number of them have passed, making the ability to hear their voices that much more valuable.

One of my dearest friends, who recorded a message, passed recently and I was asked to give her eulogy.  I remembered her recording being particularly powerful and wanted to listen to it as I prepared my speech.  It had been some time since I’d listened to the recording and I misplaced the charging cord.

I called the company.  I explained my need and the urgency.  The person I spoke to said that he would email me a link that evening to purchase it on Amazon.  (He could have overcharged me and sold me one himself, but he didn’t.)  I had barely hung up from our call when his email came in. l immediately ordered the cord. To my surprise and relief, the next day, he called me to say that if the cord did not arrive in time, there was a chance he could give me a link to hear the recording online. That didn’t turn out to be necessary since the cord came quickly and I was able to create the eulogy.

The fact that he continued to think about me and my situation beyond our original call touched my heart.  In a time when speaking with a human being in a business transaction is rare, for him to call me with an alternative solution to my problem was remarkable.

The record I have of dear friends will always be a treasure to me.  LifeOnRecord reminds me that there are still thoughtful, helpful professionals who truly care.  I highly recommend the product and their company.”
