Fran Ripley

Mom loved her LifeOnRecord keepsake. I put her 80th birthday party together from a distance and this keepsake was indeed a hit. Friends and relatives near and far were able to participate. Some memorable moments on the recording were various great-grandchildren singing and playing the piano. A particularly talented friend of Mom’s created a harmonic… a singing piece called ‘The Turnin’ 80 Blues’. An old friend related fond memories for the last time in his ‘voice’ (the next day they were going to have to remove his voice box due to cancer). Cousins from across this great nation got very creative and their messages caused tears of doubled-over laughter all around as they recalled childhood memories. Mom continues to listen to the speaker box from time to time and enjoys hearing the memories and voices. I highly recommend LifeOnRecord. The keepsake was affordable, easy to do, and will be treasured for years to come.

Fran Ripley